About Us
We are a mechanic lifestyle brand designed by mechanics for mechanics.

Our goal is to make available for purchase quality clothing and accessories that you will wear with pride.
We believe that the mechanic profession is not for everyone. It is a career path and profession that requires a skillset and commitment that not everyone possesses.
Commitment to life long learning, an investment of money, time and a passion for being the best.
We do not care what industry you turn wrenches in. Whether you repair cars, trucks, motorcycles, planes, boats, boilers, escalators, elevators, engines, hydraulics, whatever...
If you repair it? You are a mechanic. And if you eat, sleep and breathe it then you are a Busted Knuckle Mechanic and we salute you and we want to promote you. We want to be your Brand. The Brand that represents you and your passion.
Busted Knuckle Mechanic Clothing. Truly like you. Believes that the busted knuckle mechanic is a Bona fide - Legend Status and Street Certified Mechanic.
JOIN US in conversation at WWW.BKMMAGAZINE.COM